
We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all service. Instead, we take the time and care to really get to know the people we work for, this enables us to design a service that really meets their needs.

Learning about the person

Before we start to provide a service, we have conversations with people to discover:

What is most important to them, their strengths and what they want to achieve. From important people in their life, to places they like going and the activities they enjoy. We look at the small things too – it’s also important to know how someone likes their tea or what TV programmes they don’t want to miss.

What they would like to change in their life. We talk about what’s working and not working in people’s lives, and think together about how change could be achieved.

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Coming up with ideas

With this information, we start to explore ideas and options together.

We don’t jump straight to paid support as the way of making everything happen. Instead we work through a number of options in sequence:

Self-care. There may be ways for us to help people to care for themselves better. For example, we could support them to learn more about their condition or think about possible changes to their routine that could help alleviate symptoms.

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Assistive technology. From a specially-adapted kettle through to a visual doorbell, there are lots of ways technology can help people to live well.

Family, friends and other people in the person’s life. There may be other people in a person’s life who could support them with some things, if only they knew about it. We help people stay connected to those around them.

Other services. Because we’re local, we know about other services in the community that might help too. It could be anything from a transport service through to an activity group, or even another professional. We believe the best outcomes happen when people, communities and professionals work together.

Our team. Finally, we think about where our team members can help.

Going through the options in this way means that any paid support is being used in the best possible way, and that people are getting great value for money.

Making it happen

Now we’ve considered the options and agreed on a plan together, the service can start. We review it regularly to make sure we’re providing the best possible service and taking into account anything that might have changed. And all the way through, the person we support is at the centre of every decision we make.

Our Teams are designed to have flexibility in the way they work, so they can always put the person first – not rigid timeslots.

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Regulated by CareQuality Commission