Our Services

The people we support are at the heart of our services.

We deliver truly personalised care by finding out what matters to you and how you want to be supported. We encourage independence and make sure you have as much choice and control over your life and the service that supports you as possible. We listen to your needs and empower you to live well, on your own terms.

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The 3 Elements of Wellbeing

We believe that wellbeing is about so much more than just being kept safe and well, it’s also about doing more of what matters to you, and staying connected to other people in your life. Because all these elements are vital to deliver real wellbeing, they are all part of our standard service.

Being safe and well

Being safe and well

From taking care of medication, to cooking and cleaning, supporting you to attend medical appointments, or even designing a safe household, we can look after everything that you need to stay safe and well.

Doing more of what  matters to you

Doing more of what matters to you

Doing what you enjoy is what makes life worth living, so we take this really seriously. Whether you want to get out and about more, reconnect with a hobby or start doing something completely new, we’ll work with you to make it happen.

Staying connected to others

Staying connected to others

Relationships are key to wellbeing. We’ll work with you to identify how we can build or maintain them, reducing loneliness and keeping you connected to your community.

Adult Care

We offer support for mental health conditions, Parkinson’s, stroke and other specialist care services. We provide condition led care and support that is always tailored to the individual, to help you live well your own way.

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Elderly Care

From specialist dementia support to personal care, home help, companionship and a range of other services. Whether you’d like a little assistance or a lot, we can support you to stay in the place you know and love, and to carry on living life to the fullest.

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Learning Disabilities

Enriching lives through social activities, employment, housing, personal care and supported living. We develop your skills and provide meaningful opportunities, empowering you to live the life you want to lead.

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Regulated by CareQuality Commission